Pieces Come Together…
I have received so much feedback on the feature stories (THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH) that I decided to rerun parts of each for those who are trying to catch up on posts. Writing these stories is one of the most rewarding and touching parts of doing this blog! -Grace
Skeleton In The Closet
“I realized what was going on behind closed doors in our house, wasn’t going on in everyone else’s house.” -Amber McCutcheon (5th Grade)
Amber McCutcheon is a good friend who I’ve emotionally healed together with from some of my past. Currently, a movie is being made about her life, a children’s book is being illustrated and she is writing a book about her story. She also has resources to help those in similar situations (see the end of her article for that and a FREE gift)…
At her mother’s funeral, Amber stood in the receiving line. Her Dad was there too, the perpetrator. She wanted to be done with him. A friend who knew all of her story, was the last to approach her. How are you doing? ….
To read more visit: https://graceatherton.com/skeleton-in-the-closet/
Climbing For Your Dreams
“Don’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the further you get. -Michael Phelps
It was July 22, 2013. I only wrote a few words in my diary that day, including listing my new team member’s names. “Met Michael…
No Clue
I had no clue, then, I would write his story 10 years later. Watching a video on Michael Johnson, not long ago, I was overwhelmed.
To get a link to watch the video and read the entire story visit: https://graceatherton.com/climbing-for-your-dreams/
Words Cross An Ocean…
“We were not only starved for food, but we were starved for human kindness.” – Eva Mozes Kor (Holocaust Survivor)
When I first received this email years ago, I never thought I would be sharing it once let alone twice!
I had signed up and began to send care-packages/letters to a deployed soldier through Soldiers’ Angels.
Although I hadn’t heard from my adopted soldier, I knew our military was busy, so I just continued to mail care-packages/letters.
Then one day I received this email:
To read the email and the rest of the story visit: https://graceatherton.com/words-cross-an-ocean/
2 People + $7 = “5000 Blankets” Of Dreams +…
“…we have to believe we can make a change no matter how small. If we stop believing in that, we stop living.” -Philip (“5000 Blankets”)
Cyndi Burch and her son, Phillip’s true story has gone viral through the new movie “5000 Blankets” which will soon be released on Netflix. Sitting with Cyndi recently, I was able to learn more about the backdrop of her inspiring life.
Although her story began like many American families – with a big house, and a 2 door garage, things quickly changed.
Starting with little and continuing to big occurrences, everything her family had built crumbled when her husband went missing.
To read the rest of the story along with an opportunity she began, visit: /https://graceatherton.com/2-people-7-5000-blankets-of-dreams/
Thank you Grace for putting the piece together! There is a beautiful tapestry of hope woven in the stories of each person that you interviewed..
You are welcome, Rita! Thank you for the feedback!